Achievements banner

Each time we promote a student to a higher level of learning or recognize a monthly award winner, we consider it a high achievement for our school and community. Additionally, the school itself has been recognized through many efforts of our athletes and scholars. This token of recognition includes (naming a few):

July 2014 - June 2015

Team Achievement

  1. Runner’s up ISD High School Cricket Tournament March 2015 (PHIS & ISD had equal points & the champion was decided in the net run rate).
  2. Runner’s up PHIS Cricket tournament March 2014 (PHIS & Talent Hunt Cricket Academy had equal points & the champion was decided on result of head to head match during the tournament).

Individual Achievement

  1. Man of the Match (PHIS Cricket tournament 2014-15) Safat Mahmud (grade 8) in one match.
  2. Man of the Match (PHIS Cricket tournament 2014-15) Syed Tamjid (grade 11) in one match.

July 2013 - June 2014

Team Achievement

  1. Champion PHIS Cricket tournament March 2014
  2. Runner’s up ISD High School Cricket Tournament March 2014 (PHIS had a grade 10 & under team and PHIS & Scholastica had equal points & the champion was decided on the basis of having a higher net run rate)
  3. Third place AISD High School Cricket Tournament April 2014 (PHIS had a grade 9 & under team)

Individual Achievement

  1. Man of the Tournament (PHIS Cricket tournament 2013-14)- Shaheduddin Rifat (grade 10)
  2. Man of the Match (PHIS Cricket tournament 2013-14)-Shaheduddin Rifat (grade 10) in two matches
  3. Man of the Match (PHIS Cricket tournament 2013-14)-Syed Tamjid (grade 10) once
  4. Best Batsman of the Tournament (ISD High School Cricket Tournament 2013-14)-Shaheduddin Rifat (grade 10)
  5. Best Bowler of the Tournament (ISD High School Cricket Tournament 2014)- Rifat Ali Khan (grade 10)
  6. Best Batsman of the Match (AISD High School Cricket Tournament 2014)-Rakibul Hassan (grade 9)
  7. Best Bowler of the Match (AISD High School Cricket Tournament 2014)- Nayel Hassan (grade 7)

July 2012 - June 2013


  1. Champion ISD Middle School Tournament November 2012
  2. Runner’s up Sunny Dale Junior School Cricket Tournament October 2013
  3. Third place AISD high school Cricket Tournament April 2013


  1. Best batsman of the tournament (ISD Middle School Cricket Tournament 2012)-Nasif Rahman (grade 7)
  2. Best bowler of the tournament (ISD Middle School Cricket Tournament 2012)–Mumtahin Farabi (grade 7)

Jan 2012 - June 2012


  1. Runner’s up AISD High School (grade 12 & under) Cricket Tournament April 2012 (PHIS had a grade 8 & under team)
  1. PHIFT Under14 Boys Soccer Tournament 2016, PHIS Runners-up. Best Goal keeper Zubair (PHIS).
  2. PHIFT Under 16 Boys Soccer Tournament 2016, PHIS Champion. MVP- Mansive (PHIS), Highest scorer Nasif(PHIS).
  3. ITHS Super Cup Boys Football Tournament 2015, under 12 team 5th place, International Turkish Hope School, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 15-17 October, 2015.
  4. Winter Blast Football Tournament 2014, PHIS, Runners-up Junior.
  5. AISD HS Boys Soccer Tournament 2013, 3rd place, American International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh 21-23 November 2013.
  6. AISD MS Boys Soccer Tournament 2013, 3rd place, American International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh 16 November 2013.
  1. AISD MS Boys Badminton Tournament 2016, 5th place, American International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4th March, 2016.
  2. AISD ES Badminton Tournament 2015, 4th place in double categories. American International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh 6th March 2015.
  3. AISD HS Badminton Tournament 2015, 3rd place in both doubles and single competition , American International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh 15-17 January 2015 2015.